Empowerment Alphabet

The words of self-empowerment: work-life balance

Is it truly possible to find a balance between these two, completely different, worlds? Maybe we should try and change our perspective: let's put people - rather the contexts they live in - at the center of our thoughts...

Di |2022-10-10T17:25:34+00:00Marzo 11th, 2019|Empowerment Alphabet|0 Commenti

The words of self-empowerment: emotionality

Each evolutionary step entails trepidation, struggles, and uncertainties. At the same time, it requires commitment, courage, and persistence. Emotionality is the gauge that defines the beauty and the difficulty of this path.

Di |2022-10-10T17:28:32+00:00Gennaio 16th, 2019|Empowerment Alphabet|0 Commenti

The words of self-empowerment: balance

All of us desire to feel good and in balance and all of us experienced what it means to feel good or bad, to be in and out of balance…but what does it actually mean to feel “in balance”? We are telling you why the mirage of opening a bar on a tropical beach is not that appealing in the end…

Di |2022-10-10T17:17:29+00:00Ottobre 19th, 2018|Empowerment Alphabet|0 Commenti