“You are lucky to have a dad like this”. My dad was smart and so I had people saying this to me quite often…actually too often. I say too often because I didn’t feel lucky, because even the luckiest situation can be called such only if we recount and perceived it that way. Well, with my dad, it was more a struggle than anything else so I didn’t feel lucky.

This past year has been an uphill challenge. I decided to believe in myself, in us and to give Torreluna the space it can now occupy. This website, a new logo and several new projects have arisen from such efforts. The past year has been an uphill challenge because every decision brings along and equally significant surrender, a choice, the risk of losing something. However, any climb is a luck and it’s beautiful in itself, wherever it may take.
During the past year I discovered that when climbing a steep road, one might get hurt. However, experiencing a crisis is not about getting hurt, deteriorating or having a poor harvest. Experiencing a crisis is about not accepting one’s scars, denying or refusing them. On the contrary, scars give us character and life, starting from the one we have at the center of our stomach: the navel.
So, the last year I found out that one can be hurt and strong at the same time and that scars express our character and identity. Scars are means that allow us to clearly feel all the determination it took us to rise again. I also learnt that scars can get us closer to others, making us more sensitive and understanding of others’ vulnerabilities. Scars remind us of our vulnerabilities and will therefore be precious to age gracefully. Lastly, scars remind us that we might fail but still remain alive and be human.
It is in climbing that one can find beauty.
I would like this to be the message for the present year that is finishing as well as for the new year that is about to begin. Nothing is going to change. However, maybe we are changing. I would like this to be a message for those to limp along, wait for God knows what while constantly blaming others. I would also like this to be a message for all those companies that look for the causes of their problems in the surrounding environment and can by all means call themselves disadvantaged due to the market, the government or the crisis.
I would also like this message to reach all those managers who only think about saving themselves because saving everybody is not possible. On the contrary, I believe that things can go differently, even in the darkest moments, because there’s no crisis if we do not fall into one.

In this past year, while climbing uphill, I’ve come across many things. I would like to list some of them here:

  • A new logo for Torreluna, with a tower and the moon and a tiny road climbing towards the horizon; a new website, the willingness to write and publish it and the certainty it is worth the effort. A renewed trust in myself, us and the future
  • A new, lighter, more involving, and yet equally powerful, approach to potential development to stimulate, inspire and involve others. A way to pay respect to our masters, showing them an endless gratitude that frees us from the guilt of “betrayal”
  • New colleagues and friends, met for a short or a long time, that allowed me to discover the beauty of being part of a community besides being just an individual. Thanks to them, I also discovered the beauty of exchanging ideas and being open, of contaminating and being contaminated. A new sense of closeness and sharing, a new experience of beauty and desire and, at time, the feeling of being dependent
  • Old relationships have transformed, grown and throbbed with life. Perhaps there have been some jolts or cracks but, in the end, there were openness and discovery. The discovery that everything renews itself because it contains a vitality that can only be expressed by acquiring a more open and curious, way of looking
  • New workshops on power and desire, on the development of potential and group empowerment. Each time the fear of a new test, but also the desire of challenging ourselves and realizing we are good. Acknowledging that success begins when you are really feeling on the ball and not vice-versa
  • And lastly, a boss, a guy I happened to coach for quite some time; I could see he was good, emphatic, bright and effective with his people in such a way that was unexpected and really amazed me. I assisted him during a couple of interviews then I went to his people smiling and I said: “You are lucky to have a boss like him”. And I felt lucky too

| Photo credit: Maria Josè Cinti